Sunday, May 25, 2014

Isn't It Interesting...

I haven't been on here in some time, but it is interesting that my page has been viewed approximately two times every day this past week.  I have no idea who my secret viewer is, but my stat counter has caught them on Firefox on a Windows operating system.  This definitely narrows it down... not.

Anyway, today has been a long adventurous day.  The past week has been somewhat grueling.  The past month has been encouraging.  The past year (well, ten months) has been a learning curve and one of the best and worst times of my life.

I will start with today.  In the days to come, I hope to pick up writing again.  I have said that same thing before, but there is so much that I need to write down so that I do not forget from this past year.  Thus, I hope to expand on the past month and year in future posts.

As for today, we (MC, KR, & I) ventured back to our college stomping grounds to visit our "old" church there and attend a fish fry at one of our favorite places.  On the drive to church I skillfully avoided placing a tire on the back of five different box turtles who had ventured out onto the road.  Then we arrived at church.  It was a nice service and as always I enjoyed the conversation in life group, and just as always that conversation started the gears and wheels of my mind turning.  The question was posed, "What is their motivation?"  This question was asked in reference to a group of individuals who proclaim Christ, but do not show His love in a way that is expected.  Instead they inform others of their paths to Hell and are very legalistic and pushy.  It seems that recently many of these types of groups have been highlighted in some way or another.  For example there are the Christian concert protesters who proclaim listening to AC-DC is better than attending a Skillet concert, Westboro Baptist, those groups who stand on a corner screaming and yelling with signs about sin and such.  It is something that digs into my heart and hurts so badly.  I hurt for these people.  I hurt for the hate that they hold inside.  I hurt because hate controls them.  What pushed them to this point?  What led them down this path?  Why would they have a 7-8 year old recite hatred over and over again through a megaphone to concert goers?  I witnessed this concert debacle and wondered how they could have this child do this.  I watched a mother cover her child's ears and said, "Don't listen to this.  He doesn't know what he is saying, and I don't want it in your head either. Just ignore him and the people yelling back.  We need to show them love, not hate.  We need to set the example Jesus would have set."  I loved listening to that mother.  I even spoke with her for a bit.  I wonder too why these individuals believe their way is the right way.  Do they really feel that they are following the example of Christ?  Do they truly believe that what they are doing is the right thing?  Are they simply ignorant of what I believe to be the truth?  *Sigh* Such tough thoughts.  As I listened to the attempts to answer the question, "What is their motivation?" today, I wondered if maybe their motivation was exactly my motivation.  The motivation to bring people to Christ, but I must say that the path these groups would take and mine look very, very different.  I, however, still wonder if their motivation might just be that.  Could it be?  I do not wish to start a debate, and I ask that you not comment in hate.  If they truly believe they are right, then that could very well be their motivation.  I am reminded of a time not many years ago when segregation was rampant and people were killed because many individuals were of the mindset that whites and African Americans should not mix.  What was the motivation then?  I doubt the motivation was simply to hate, but that they believed one group to be better than another.  Eventually, many realized, after too many lives were lost, that we are all simply people and we may have different backgrounds, but those differences make us more valuable to one another... not less.  Now, I am not blind to the fact that racism still exists today, but this is not my point or drive of writing this.  It wasn't too long ago that so many were ignorant and exhibited so much hate.  We needed to show each other love then, just as we need to show each other love now.  It must start somewhere, and I know that the time is now.

Sunday, March 31, 2013

Easter Sunday

Today was Easter Sunday.  
Yesterday I realized that I hadn't published a post on here for over a year.
Tomorrow I will go teach a lesson that I have yet to fully plan.  
Tonight I should probably be planning and grading instead of writing, 
but writing is the release I need currently.  

I left church mid-service today.  I don't even know that you could call it mid-service.  I left about 10 minutes into it because I could not hold the tears back.  You see, for weeks now I have been asking where my life is going and wondering what it is that I should be doing.  I feel stagnant and dead in the water.  I am not touching lives and I most definitely have not been the picture of joy that I feel a Christian should be.  Yes, I believe we are to be real and things will not always be perfect, but I do believe we are to always hold high that Jesus is the light.  Furthermore, I believe that our weaknesses should shine His strength.  So, instead of talking with my mentor, my friends, my Savior.... I drove away.  I started my car, turned on Air1, and I drove to every house I had ever lived in during my time in Tahlequah beginning with the most recent first and ending with the home I felt closest to God in... the CCF girls house.  The next thing that I did will most definitely make you smile, disgust you, astound you, or amuse you.  I went to Dollar General and bought two different packages of chocolate candy bars, a 20 oz. Mountain Dew, and a pack of gum.  I decided against chips... though they were tempting.  I knew that I had to return to church so on my drive I ate two of the candy bars, had some Mountain Dew (I know... it doesn't go well with chocolate, but I didn't care.) and chewed two pieces of gum.  I arrived at church without tears in my eyes, the service was still in progress, and I could not manage a smile -- mission accomplished.  The smile was short lived, but I was no longer angry, frustrated, fearful, distant, or so many other things that I had been.  So I attended the discipleship small group that my church has after service.  We started these groups approximately two months ago, and to be honest I hated the idea of meeting and sharing with a medium sized group.  I am a one-on-one person, but much to my surprise it is this group time that I now look forward to the most.  It is such a blessing to hear the wonderful women in the group share their stories, challenges, and triumphs.  Today during the group time the ladies brought up that music often helps us remember the love that Christ has for us and what we are called to be as Christians.  I immediately was interested because music is something that I find very helpful when I am down.  I love the lyrics of meaningful songs.  I treasure the peace that comes when I crank up a song that is praising God.  My anthem as of late has been from a Colton Dixon song titled "You Are."   Here are a few of the lyrics: 

When I can't find the words
To say how much it hurts
You are the healing in my heart
When all that I can see
Are broken memories
You are the light that's in the dark

You are the song
You are the song I'm singing
You are the air
You are the air I breathe in
You are the hope
You are the hope I'm needin'
You are

Colton's song energizes me to push on.  It tells me that I may struggle, but my God is bigger, better, and worth singing for no matter the cirucumstance.  That doesn't mean that I am always happy go lucky, but it does mean that I am always reminded of the hope that God had given us.  There have been many days, weeks, months of this past year I have felt exactly as the Red lyrics from the song "Hold Me Now" state:

Hold me now,
'Til the fear is leaving,
I am barely breathing.
Crying out,
These tired wings are falling,
I need you to catch me.

As I burn,
As I break,
I can't take it anymore.
I return to the place,
Where the water covers over everything.
Rescue me some how.

This song takes me to the place where Jesus wants me to be... crying out and looking to Him.  All too often I try to do it on my own.  I need to see Him in all that I do.  I need to follow His lead.  He will take me where He wants and needs me to be if I will just pursue Him and be His willing vessel.  I need to be in His word more often and focusing on Him even when things seem so dim.  I could keep on discussing this, but I know you get the point.  I guess, I have just let myself become so stressed and tired.  I grade, I lesson plan, I clean, I keep house, I drive to Tahlequah, I rarely see my parents, I have commitments that I haven't kept, I am so unavailable to those who really need a friend, and so much more... but I can't feel sorry for myself.  I won't.  It just seems that all normalcy in my life has been stripped away, and today the straw broke this camels back.  I had to go drive and have my time with music that related to Him and reflect on the days past and the days to come, all while knowing that today was what mattered and I needed an attitude adjustment.  

So, this is for those of you who wondered what was going on today... In some ways this post barely scratches the surface, but I can't fathom putting all of the stuff out on the wonderful web of the world for all to see.  So, you know how to reach me if you want to know more.  :-p 

In the meantime, please be in prayer for my family, my future career and my willingness to listen, and for a special friend who has been on my heart and mind so often lately.

Until later.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Thoughts upon Thoughts

This is an entry that I just wrote for my other blog... My class blog... The kind that you are required to post in so you learn how to blog... So... These are my thoughts for that... And hopefully my teacher doesn't feel that I am dogging her because that isn't what I meant... but this is what I've been thinking about.... 


I'm not sure what I'm supposed to write about or how professional this blog is supposed to be.... I think that is my issue with writing in here.  Should it just be my thoughts and feelings or should it be more finished writing.  I'm not sure, but I'm just going with it. 

I feel that this semester has been unorganized thus far and I have a lot of work to do outside of class, but it all blends together.  If I can't find a way to organize myself how am I going to help my students do so.  I try notes on post-its, agendas/planners, calendars on my phone that I can also access from any computer with internet, and to-do lists.  None of these seem to fit.  None get everything I want the to get.  I am just so unsure of how to do this, but I've gotten by for the last 20 years of school and had close to a 4.0 the whole time so I guess my many methods sort of work for me.  I just feel like a bad student.

As for what I am learning in class... I am learning that there are many teacher candidates who are unwilling or could care less about researching technology use in the classroom.  I am learning that instructors ignore what they don't know many times and do not try to challenge themselves.  In fact, having students do presentations on different technologies that the instructor does not know would help them to immensely in my opinion.  I really feel that there is a huge gap of knowledge.  The technology isn't that hard to figure out when you take the time to look it up.  There are instructional videos on for almost everything and that doesn't even scrape the surface of the instructionals out there on sites such as  I am a huge fan of learning styles in the classroom and was incredibly excited when I found out that they were offering a seminar for it.  I will not be enrolling because I have already taken the graduate courses for this, but what if we offered a technology seminar.  It seems you always get the big gasp when students are told they need to use technology to present, but when they are shown the steps and how to use it they are in awe.  Even PowerPoint is thought to be known and though somewhat outdated it can create almost a video style presentation when desired.  Most individuals do not know about this. 

I would love to do a professional development type seminar or teaching.  There are so many ways to integrate it and use it to engage students.  There are so many grants to write and apply for to gather the needed funding to get items that can be used in the classroom to serve this need. We need to reach our students.  Technology is not the only way, but it is something that can definitely be used to enhance engagement so long as it is not used as a crutch. 

This really seems like a rant, but I just feel that something needs to be done.  This disconnect needs to be addressed...but how?


Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Changing Color

This is something that randomly came to me in class today.  
It's different... and random... but I think there is meaning in it...

Changing color
Purple men running after me

Crazy thoughts
They scream
Turning me blue and then to green
Purple men chasing after me

Rapid movements
Impulsive they seem
Set me free

Monday, October 17, 2011

[...(...<: * Transparency * :>...)...] {pt 2}

I said TBC.
I meant TBC.
I've just been waiting on more comments. 
I have 3 total now.  
So here goes...
Transparency by definition is "something transparent, especially a picture, design, or the like on glass or some translucent substance, made visible by light shining through from behind." (
... ... ... 
I asked for your interpretation of the definition.
I got some responses.  
I got some thoughts on struggling with transparency.
I got some sound advice from a mentor.
Transparency to me...
It's hard to explain...
One wise woman once told me not to tell everyone everything of my story.
But why?
Because it was uncomfortable for me to do so?
Because it would be uncomfortable for others to hear?
Neither of those.
She went on to explain.
What you have to tell may cause some to stumble.
You mean it might lead them into where I've been?
It might cause judgement.
It might cause them to think on thoughts they shouldn't be led to.
It might do many things.
But when you feel led to tell your story.
Tell it.
You will know.
And thus far I have.
I have known when to be transparent.
I have known when to share.
At times I may have wanted to shy away.
But I have done my best to follow what she said.
I have done my best to follow what I have felt led to do through God's prompting.
I have become transparent. 
Some windows remain closed to some.
But when the time comes, if the time comes.
They will be opened.
Will yours?

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

[...(...<: * Transparency * :>...)...]

There are a few things in life that I appreciate and some that I value.  

One thing that I take note of is transparency.

One thing that I am not very good at is transparency.

Transparency by definition is "something transparent, especially a picture, design, or the like on glass or some translucent substance, made visible by light shining through from behind." (

Think about that.


Think about it.

Look at it.

Read through it.

What is your interpretation.


Apply it to something in life.

Apply it.

Where'd you go with that thought?

Care to share?

You don't have to.

But you can.

Just comment



Thursday, September 1, 2011

He has strange ways...

So, I've received a few comments on my last post, both posted and not posted.  I think though that God made His comment even before the others had a chance.  You see, Tuesday night after I had posted that post I met and talked with a friend.  It was an unexpected meeting, but one that I believe we both need.  I had other things that "needed" done, but I knew without doubt that I needed to go and talk.  The things that we talked about were so encouraging and I drove away from that conversation knowing that I was where I needed to be.  Even if the only "real" reason was to have that conversation with her.  I don't believe that is the only reason, but it definitely gave me a better understanding of where He wants me right now and where I am needed so that He can use me.  I'm excited, hopeful, and encouraged.  I know that the next 2 years will be tough, but I look forward to them, and if the schedule doesn't work out for me to start my next internship in the spring I will be okay.