Monday, December 27, 2010

Finding My Loves Once Again

There is a question that I am asked often. It is a question that should be simple enough to answer, yet in recent months it has become increasingly difficult to answer without feeling like I am lying. It wouldn't be a lie that would really hurt anyone, but for me it's important enough to consider. This question is representative of who I am so, I suppose, I will let you in on what question it is that I speak of…

"What are your hobbies/interests?"

You see, to me a hobby and interest should be done at least SOME of the time and with SOME frequency. When someone asks my hobbies/interests the following is my typical response:



Horseback Riding





Yeah, what of those have I done much of in the past year … umm … none.

  • I haven't ridden in 2+ years. I miss it so much, but I don't have the equipment or the access currently…
  • I read a few verses a day or maybe even a few chapters, but there has been little to no real in depth reading of the Bible … nor really any reading for pleasure or enrichment other than grad school textbooks …
  • Writing… Ha! I don't even do that… Just look at my blog… MAYBE one post a month…. I am not writing on the side… If I were you would read it here… Why? Because I like to share what I know, am learning, etc.
  • Photography… Where's the time? Photo Excursions can take hours… Hours of daylight… Meet my schedule… It doesn't work… Those have been my excuses.
  • Drawing… My sketchbook hasn't gotten much love recently… It had at least a 9 month break… I don't draw well, but I love word pictures and to doodle.
  • Fishing has improved…. After an 8 year break (or so) I have started fishing again. It is wonderful.
So, I've decided that this has to change.

More photo trips.

More fishing fun.

More writing. Especially here.

More reading that is non-academic.

More drawing. Going to buy a new sketch book.

Horseback riding…well, if the opportunity presents itself.

Hold me to it please? Thanks!

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