Tuesday, September 21, 2010

There's A Real Post Down The Road

Sometimes the pictures and comments and such on Facebook or Myspace are just too much for me.  They pain my heart.  I see the ones that I love dearly hurting themselves and I just feel helpless.  Do I comment?  Do I just pop back into their lives?  I got a text from an old camper the other day... it was sent to me accidentally and I just sat and stared at my phone for a good length of time... Pray for them.  Pray for me that I might know what I can do to help.  I want to reach out but without that two week session at camp it's so hard to show them God through my life and be a part of their lives.  I love them.


  1. I know how you feel. I will be praying for you. I love you friend

  2. Maybe people need you to be more present in their lives. Not as a parent figure who will tell them exactly what they need to do to fix the problem. But as a friend who will just listen and allow them to express what's in their heart, without being scared to express how they feel. Sometimes people don't need advice...just a listening ear. So, my advice would be to kindly and softly jump back in to their lives, not to correct them but to let them tell you about what's going on.

  3. This is probably true, but this post is about people I never see anymore because of distance and life changes... mainly my campers that I can't really connect with anymore or even listen to because of the distance (literally mileage) between us.
