Sunday, October 10, 2010

This that and the other.

This is my journal entry for tonight.

A lot is changing in my life these days.  I currently live in a house with 6 girls (including me).  One of the girls is my best friend, one is a really close friend and an accountability partner, another is a girl that I used to disciple, one is a girl I mentor and am friends with, and yet another is a girl I did not know before last year but am really good friends with now.  This is my house.  Well, two of the girls are leaving soon.  One to start her career in education and one to go on an eleven month mission trip.  I love them both dearly and will miss them a lot.  Sharon, my best friend, is moving to Tulsa where she will be a Kindergarten teacher.  She leaves in a week and a half and I'm really really sad about it.  I'm excited for her and her career, but I will miss my best friend.  She has helped me through a lot and I've helped her through a lot too.  We've definitely had our rough patches, but all-in-all we've stood beside each other even when it got tough.  I'm going to miss her, but it will be okay... I just might cry more often than I am used to.  It really helps to have someone here to vent to, talk to, cry to, pout to. etc.  She's  nervous about going to.  She actually starts tomorrow.  I'm going to be riding with her to Tulsa everyday that I work while she is still living here to help her not fall asleep as she has to leave the house by 6 in the morning.  I work about 20-30 minutes from where she will be teaching, thus she'll just drop me off.  Anyway, Allie leaves for her mission trip in January.  Again, I am excited and again I am saddened.  She's our little ray of sunshine in the house.  Granted, she hasn't been around as much lately, but I still enjoy my time talking to her and such.  She's an uplifting person and I really enjoy living with her so when she leaves I'll probably be even more sad.  So, that's the changes with my living arrangements.
On to the topic of me.  I have been hanging out with Adria more and it's been fun.  We go fishing and talk and share stories with each other.  I really enjoy talking about God with her and just being outdoors.  I'd forgotten how much I love being outside.  I mean, it was a nice idea to go outside, but in the last 6 years I just haven't done it enough.  I should go creek stomping soon or something.... Well, that may have to wait until the waters warm back up.  I miss doing that at camp, though there have been some icky stories come from such travels.  I have found more of my artistic side, and I am loving it.  I am more inspired to go take pictures than I have been in recent years, and I can now use digital art.  It is great and I love doing it.  I am also trying to pick up guitar still, so if anyone has any tips let me know!  I am starting to play more and I love it so much, but it still makes me super nervous and I am super insecure about it.

Okay...I'm going to stop talking now... maybe more soon... : ) I've got to go to bed soon :-p

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