Sunday, January 23, 2011

Tis the Season of my Birthday

It never fails.  At least it hasn't in the last 5 years or so....

January 19th rolls around....
And... There's a birthday party....
And... There's a lot of precipitation (most generally in the form of snow and ice)
And... (My personal favorite) I get sick, like really sick.

And so, it's January 23rd and all of the afore mentioned things have come and only some of them have passed.

I am still sick....

I have the double sized rolls of toilet paper.... You know the kind that say you are getting 48 rolls for the price of 24.... Yeah.... I've managed to go through about 3/4 of one of those this evening alone.  I need to invest in some real Kleenex.... the kind that is soft and fuzzy and annoying when one is not actually sick.... But my nose doth protest it's current friend though it would never deny it's existence, because even though it isn't the happiest relationship currently they still need ... err.... my nose still needs it's companion... I'm not sure that the toilet paper needs my nose....

Anyway, here's a picture to show the pile amassed in less than 7 minutes...

Work tomorrow?  I hope so, but I have my doubts....

I hope to make a more interesting post sometime soon....

As for now... The night time meds are kicking in.... but if Kleenex show up at my door tomorrow I wouldn't complain.... and if you leave your name I might even give you a hug.... uh.... later on in life when I won't pass along my currently needy friend I like to call "Sickness".

So I shall leave you now with the thought of maybe praying for my lungs in hopes that "Sickness" will not cause them to collapse as so often it feels that they will.

Night night.

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