Wednesday, April 15, 2009

A Trip to the Dentist - Something I wrote awhile back.

You dread the trip to the dentist. You don't floss or brush your teeth enough. They are going to find fault in you, but wait! Maybe you can hide it... so you wait... then when you have to... just a few days before your appointment you begin to floss and you brush a little more often. When, finally, the dreaded appointment arrives you pass the test for doing a "good job." But will you pass this test when it comes to God? Can you live semi-right then just a few days before your appointment clean up your act and truly live as you know you should? You leave the dentist' soffice and forget about brushing as much. You forge to floss daily...weekly...monthly... Another appointment is coming, "Ah!" ... You remember. It's an on and off relationship, is it the same with God? When you need Him you go, but when you "don't" you forget Him... or froget to call and set the appointment. The interesting thing is that in the end He calls the final appointment. It is not up to us, but so quickly it will come. Will you be ready? Will I?

Follow Him constantly.
Pray without ceasing.
Love Him wholeheartedly.
Speak to Him daily.
Trust Him endlesly.
Live for Him dramatically.
Serve Him momently.
Look for Him expectantly.
Be His truly.

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