Sunday, May 30, 2010

Saturday, May 29

So, I had a great day. : ) I will bullet it.  It makes me happy to use bullets and organize things.

  • I woke up at 6:30 on a Saturday to Justus (my puppy) barking to be let out.  I let him out then fell back asleep, though I was a bit worried I wouldn't be able to since it's so warm in our house (no air conditioning).
  • 9:17 a.m. I wake up to a text message.  I generally shut off my phone at night these days, but apparently I didn't.  It's Rodney.  Yeah, I smiled a girly smile and decided I'd slept way more than I had planned because the day was going to be long and there were things to do.  
  • I walked outside to check the temperature.  I needed to mow and was dreading the heat.  Amazingly it wasn't too bad!  I jumped at the chance to get it done while it was a bit cooler.  So mow the yard I did.  
  • I text Sharon.  "You still not up?" ... No response ... Hmm ... It's almost 11.  I envy her a little :-p
  • 11:17 a.m. "Just got up" shows up on my phone.  Really?  You went to bed between 10:30 & 11 and you are just now getting up???? How??? I like sleep but I think I'm "getting old" where I can't sleep in like I used to even when I stay up late.
  • 1:00 p.m.  Mary Clare's graduation party.  Running Late.  It's a pool party.  I'm not a big fan of these.  Pools and people just don't fall under my comfort zone.  None-the-less I was going to go.  I drove to the girls house to meet Amanda and go together.  1:20ish we arrive.  Within 40 minutes I gave up and got in the water.  It was a good workout and a lot of fun shallow diving through an inner tube, flipping Allie, being Siamese twins with Allie, tickling Lisa, jumping on Amanda, and getting to know Mary Clare's friends and hanging out with her.  Then....I had to leave early :-( but I was excited for what I was going to do.  Date Night.
  • 3:20 I'm home.  Shower time then drive to meet Rodney.  4:15 almost ready.  I hear my phone....and am told that I need to meet him at 5:30... that's 30 more minutes.  Okay.  So I sit on the couch and just chill.  It was nice.  Then I go get gas and drive to where we were to meet.  
  • 5:58 he shows up about 28 minutes later than the late time.  Things come up.  It is all good.  
  • 6:00 we head to Fayettville.  Dinner at an Italian restaurant.  Then we start to drive into town... I see a Ferris Wheel.  Random trip to a carnival follows. : ) Rodney gets suckered into spending some money on a dart game.  He wins me a small stuffed animal.  Then we walk around a little and he puts up with me when I want to go pet the goats and see the animals.  The longhorn they had could scratch his tail with his horns. I know because that is precisely what he was doing.  We then continue to wander around.  Soon enough another balloon/dart guy yells at him... He says no repeatedly at the insistent man, and we continue walking.  You see, the first guy had used me to convince him he needed to win a stuffed animal.  After that one I teased him and said, "You just can't say no, can you?"  He said he could, and succeeded once.  The third guy hopped out of his booth and came after us.  It was rather amusing.  Rodney tried to tell him no, but it didn't work.  Quite a few dollars later, I got a stuffed puppy.  Crazy kid.  I told him he just couldn't say no. ;-)  It was a lot of fun and is now a good story.
  • 8ish... We go to the drive in theater... I didn't know what the plans were for the evening.... He planned out everything, which was really sweet.... And he made good choices.  I really liked the drive in theater.  It's one of my favorite things.  I like retro type stuff.  We watched Prince of Persia.  It was a pretty decent movie, though I got lost a couple times.  After the movie we left and headed back to my car.
  • 11:30ish we arrive at my car.  We talk for a little bit then part paths and I head home.  
  • 12ish I see flashing lights... Blah.... Road block... Holiday weekend... Fun... I find my wallet and hope they don't want my insurance.  They do.  I hunt it down while they check my tag.  I give them the insurance and the cop looks it over and sends me through.  Pretty painless.  First time I've hit a road block.  
  • 12:30ish I call Rodney to let him know I am home.  We end up talking about a lot of different things.  It was super nice and good.  I really like talking to him.  That convo lasted about an hour... And now here I am... 
  • It was a great night and day.  I had a blast with my friends and with Rodney.  Now the next few days will be oh so busy.... Packing and moving.  Lots of stuff to do. 

Well, good night.

: )

    1 comment:

    1. Mary Clare BednarekJune 1, 2010 at 9:56 PM

      You know... I was very surprised you got into the pool. I am so happy you did. It wasn't the same without you in it. I was pretty sad when you had to leave early, but I know you had an awesome night ahead of you. I saw some of that stuff, but not all... I though the drive in thing wasn't going to happen. lol. I decided to not tell you anything like that because it should be a surprise. =) I don't like my gift sometimes... but oh well. I am so happy you had a great time, I knew you would. You are so lucky. Just letting you know. I love you.
      P.S. I honestly have never been called kid so many times in my life... you are the only one who calls me that. lol. stop it! jk. ;P
