Friday, December 31, 2010

…The game of videoing fleas while they are at the market…

Well, today was a good day, except for one

I think I'll write my day out in sections…


I woke up at 6:30 to go to class. I made cappuccino for the first time in awhile because I was really tired. I got to the Science building around 8:10. The doors were locked. No class. Sad, but what was even sadder was the fact that I already had caffeine in me thus allowing no room for possibly going back to bed. So, instead I came home and chatted with Mary Clare. We used my Wacom tablet to doodle on my computer and play Add-On with Amanda. I drew a pretty impressive bear that was being stalked with bow and arrow by a sneaky rabbit. I found it rather amusing as did the other girls.


I went flea-marketing with Adria, Amanda, & Mary Clare. We traveled to the outskirts of Tahlequah and found many useful items. Adria procured some Christmas lights for the new year, whilst Amanda and I hunted through hordes of books. Mary Clare went to-and-fro searching high and low but decided to be the smart one and not spend a dime on something that will later clutter and bother. An ugly/semi-ugly office chair was purchased for its comfy-ness and safety. You must know that my office chair is a bit wobbly and old. This "new" one will serve its purpose well, and for that I am happy.


Invitations were my goal for the day, and evening was the place to be in order to complete this goal indeed. So, as I sat here designing with Mary Clare chiming opinions, designs were delivered and sent on their merry little way down the virtual Gmail highway. (Mary Clare & I have been hanging out a lot, and it's been really nice.) Then came the shopping. A frog habitat was the goal with toys possibly in tow. After some online browsing to no avail we decided that Dollar Tree was definitely the place to be (I'm a bit hyper currently so my mind wants to rhyme… give me some credit… 2 hours and 15 minutes marks being awake for 24 hours…). So off we went in search of frogs, plants, and more. A kindergarten teacher was in need, and savers of the day we were determined to be. The toy isle was a bit bare, and the worries were beginning to wear. Then a few feet in Mary Clare shouted out, "Frogs!" and we knew that all was not lost. Collecting packages of frogs and a few lizards too, text messages were sent to confirm the correct loot. Then off to the plant isle to find our creative thought. We located plastic ferns, but water plants we found not. So we made a plan right then and there, and agreed the simplest way to gather the correct plants would be to create (Cut the plants into sections, and then hot glue them to rocks). Then off to Wal-Mart we did go, but for what we did not know. Looking through toys nothing we did find, but then there were clearance items! We looked and hunted and what did we find? A lint roller and chips to take home at 9. Almost to the front we thought of something more. Oh, what would we do without Egg Nog from this store! So off we ran to gather this item and push back through traffic to the checkout line. Out the door we did travel, homeward bound to enjoy our delicious finds! No, now do not think we ate the frogs nor plants, but the Egg Nog now sits mostly gone. Please do not be mistaken, the chips themselves do not have long.

Late Night / Early Morning:

(I'll stop with the ridiculousness of … well whatever that was … now and actually just write) Mary Clare bought a video game for my PS3 the weekend before Christmas, and we became determined around 12:30 to unlock all of the tracks tonight… Which is why we are still up and…most likely… why you are so amused with this post. We had a blast and worked as a team on levels that should been played as competitors to gather the "Sonic Miles" needed to unlock each new track. So, now that that is done, this is written, and my Bible audio has been listened to we are off to bed.


(I just re-read this…. Wow… I need sleep… and… please don't laugh at me :-p )

1 comment:

  1. I really enjoyed this day. I am not going to lie. I loved spending time with you guys. I like it when you rhyme, it is so much fun. I am happy to know that I am not the only one that does that. I love you friend. =) Happy I get to see the more fun you. =P
