Thursday, February 17, 2011

It's been awhile...

Well, the snow days through me into a bit of a funk on wanting to do anything... but here I am back again to write.

Life is interesting.  There have been some opportunities presented to me in the last few months that I have simply had to give to God.  These opportunities would have been wonderful (in my opinion) however, I prayed that God would either open or close the door... and it seems that it has been shut for the time being.  We shall see what He decides for the future. 

I feel like the semester is a little crazy.  You know how when you are boiling water if you leave it unattended for too long it will jump right out of the pot and cause a horrid ruckus?  Well, I feel that if I am not attentive enough to my schoolwork this semester that is exactly what will happen, but there is one small issue... I am so unmotivated to do anything.  I met with one professor yesterday and feel a bit better about life, and I meet with yet another tomorrow. I hope to walk away equipped to find just the right temperature on the stove, because currently I feel like I keep turning it too high and then too low.  Then again, what about the watched pot that never boils.  My professor yesterday gave me some wonderful advice.  I don't remember exactly what she said, but in short I was to not look at the course and run it in my head... I was to look forward and just run with it.  I was to stop overplaying it and preparing it, but just jump in and go so I could enjoy it instead of fret about it. 

That's really all that is on my mind currently... I have some really awesome friends that have helped me through some of the things that have been going on, and I am so thankful they are in my life.  Whether its through blogs, conversations, texting, status updates or whatever it seems someone always says just what I need to hear... Such a blessing.

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