Monday, March 28, 2011

The Journey to being a Master Teacher ... A Homework Assignment

So, I had to compose a document that contained my teaching philosophy.  It made me think... a lot... and I think what I wrote really sums up some of my views on life and our impact on others, so I am going to post the text the document here.  I hope you enjoy : ) and I know there are a few errors in it... but that is okay for now... I'm not turning it in yet :-p


Teaching Philosophy of Andrea 
                    It is my belief that there is a teacher in each and every individual.  Every person holds knowledge within themselves and the ability to pass on this knowledge exists in each of these individuals.  So long as a person is alive, and sometimes even past death, a person can teach and influence others through the way they live their lives, make their choices, use speech, art, knowledge, or writing, and even through the profession they choose.  It is my hope that I will be an educator who is able to pass on knowledge, facilitate learning, and help to make a positive difference in the lives of those that I come in contact with.
            As a teacher I will influence and build relationships with those around me.  It is of upmost importance that I behave in a way that leaves a positive impression on those around me.  I believe that not only is the passing on of curriculum content important, but also the passing on of character and integrity.  A positive role model in a student’s life can be life-changing for them.  We cannot know every experience our student’s have had, and therefore we should not simply assume that everything in their life is working in their favor.  Thus, as an educator I believe it imperative that my choices and attitude are positive and do not lead my students in a wayward manner, but rather present a positive environment for learning and life.
            As a teacher it will also be my priority and passion to pass on knowledge, guide my students, and facilitate learning.  In doing so I must remember that each student is an individual and what does work for one may not work as well or at all for another.  I believe that each student has preferences in learning, and receives the information presented in different ways as they are each individuals.  It is because of this that an educator should research and use various methods and tools within their instruction. 
            This is just the beginning of a great, long, trying, exhilarating journey for me.  As a master’s candidate I have learned many instructional strategies.  I have learned about the effect that culture can have on one’s learning.  I have learned about the role that learning styles can play in an individual’s educational career.  I have learned about myself.  I have seen the passion my teachers hold for their students, and the passion my classmates have had for theirs.  It is with a bold spirit, passion, excitement, and a longing heart that I am finishing my journey to becoming a master teacher.  It is, also, with this bold spirit, passion, excitement, and longing heart that I will enter my first true classroom and begin the implementation of what I have learned here at Northeastern State as I begin my career as an educator.  May the journey begin…

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