Wednesday, February 25, 2009

...Means No Worries...

Nothing inspiring here... just me writing.

Tonight was CCF and I feel that it went well. It was a bit over time, but not too much. I started my day by calling into work in order to work on CCF stuff. I have had to call in the past 3 Tuesdays, which is a little frustrating. After I called in I slept a little more then got up and started working. When I rolled out of bed though I definitely made a concious thought to putting effort into not getting stressed throughout the day. So I worked on the video, showered, and ate a bite to eat all by 1. Then I took off and put in an hour at MSC working. I came home took care of dental things, and headed off to my orthodontist appointment. By 3:20 I was back and working again on CCF stuff. I got the announcements done, the looping announcements done, the video was already done, and so I went to see Tom. Tom gave me many more versus and a video. I got all of that input by 7, and still had time to discuss life and business with Tom, Barb, Amanda, and vent a bit to Chelsi about some things. Then I was eating dinner. I took my bowl with me to CCF and started worship practice. Got everyone prepped for what was happening during CCF, and talked to a few others. Asked Chelsi to pray when a certain thing came up, because I wasn't sure the video would work. It did, but only after a little manipulation. Worship practice went fairly smoothly, then CCF started. Tom tried to talk to me during some of the things I must pay attention to. I had him hold off a few moments. Then got all the info I needed and we were rolling. It all went well, and I really got something out of the message. It seems "for such a time as this" is something that isn't going to be disappearing from my life anytime soon. Esther keeps coming up, and I must question if there is a reason why. After all of this, Sarah and I got to talk for quite awhile and got some things worked out with planning and such. She did an amazing job on the poster for Big Ticket... and I'm soooooooooo excited to get it hung up. Anyway, that was my day other than going to the boys house and catching the end of a movie, and coming back to do a work out with Amanda. Yeah, go excercise. Now it's onto tuning my guitar, practice a bit, and up at 6:30 for a new day... unless I get told to come running at 6 ... or really just get inspired. : )

Oh, and I worried some... but not as much as normal ... that was a true blessing!

So this probably should have went in my paper journal, but typing it just seemed to take less effort! : )

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