Tuesday, December 22, 2009

The upcoming semester

Spring semester 2010.


That just looks odd to me.  I should be finished with school by now.  I graduated HS in 04 and got my BBA in 08.  I am still around.  Anyway, there's a lot to think about for the upcoming semester.  Firstly, can I handle it?  I have 9 hours of graduate school, 24 hours (minimum) of work at my campus job, and then work and officership at CCF.

My schedule:
Monday:  Work 9-3, Leader's Meeting 6-7
Tuesday: Work 9-3, Class 5:30-8:10, CCF 8-9:30 ... Plus visual stuff setup somewhere in there
Wednesday: Work 9-3, Hang out with friends 5-?  (Yay for Wednesday!)
Thursday: Work if no homework, Class 5:30-11
Friday: Work 9-3


Then on top of that I have the homework from courses, the making of videos and visuals for CCF, and the keeping of my sanity.  How will I ever do all of this?  I can, and I know it... just a lil concerned at how well I will do it all.

I am thinking I might push back my hours to 9-2 and that way I have a little more time in the afternoon to take care of things.  That might help a little... well this has been me thinking out loud and seems rather pointless now... : )



  1. Andrea- I can understand the "still being in school" thing. My students, who often don't really grasp the concept of a Masters/postgraduate degree, always ask me why I just graduated in 2009 (since my Masters Degree is on my wall). But it will go by quickly! What classes are you thinking of taking? I'm glad you survived Educational Research... they truly are all not like that and it is a bit of a bummer to start out that way... Anyway, I would recommend to you to not look at CCF as a "job." I remember the devotional we did on time management and how busyness sometimes can give one self-worth and value (or at least it does for me). So don't dread that time. If you have to do quality over quantity, I think that would be best... Enjoy the rest of 2009 and I do hope 2010 gives you some relaxation and simplicity! :)

  2. Wow sounds like another busy semester!!! :(
    lol but it will work out.... maybe even be some time for us to take a photography trip sometime!!!! :)
