Saturday, May 22, 2010

It's Been Awhile...

Hello Blogger World!  
I have learned a few things recently, and I feel the need to list them for you!
10 Learning Points for Andrea This Month!
  1. People actually read this.
    • I am going to make a solid attempt to keep this from affecting what I will or won't write here.  I have a tendency to write to or for those who read my blog, but that isn't what this is here for.  I need to be honest and open, but of course with some limits.
  2. Puppies go quickly on Craigslist.  
    • Expect your e-mail inbox to fill up super fast if you have cute pictures to go with a free puppy post.
  3. Puppies keep one awake at night.
    • I already knew this but have had a clear reminder of it the last two weeks.  How do people do this with children?  The puppy is super adorable, but I almost gave him up due to his need to whine all night.
  4. Packing is....painstaking.
    • It is, however, seemingly easier for me to pack things into boxes than to find a place to actually put them on a dresser, shelf, etc.
  5. Graduations need to occur at different times during the year.
    • 3 weekends.  3 graduations.  I need time to pack people! : ) But I'm proud of my best friend, my oldest niece, and Thing 2.
  6. Phone conversations are awesome.
    • It can be really nice to talk with someone that you never get to see or talk to.  Thus, semester breaks are wonderful as they allow time for such things to occur.
  7. Work is much more fun when you are allowed out of the office.
    • I actually got to do computer stuff this week! It was awesome!
  8. Philadelphia is expensive.
    • I want to go on a road trip to that place this summer, but I don't know if I can afford it.
  9. Tornado damage is..... Well, it speaks for itself.
    • I helped a group clean-up someone's house that was leveled by a tornado and it pained my heart so.  I loved helping, but it was so difficult to sort through someones personal belongings and throw 99% of it out.
  10. I love hanging out with my three little sisters and adopted family.  (So, I didn't really learn this, but was reminded of it.)
    • It's refreshing to get out of the rut and go hang out with kids and adults.  There's a different atmosphere than there is with college friends.  To know that their mom trusts you to drive the kids around to practice and such is just awesome.  To be able to sit through a movie with one of the kids on your lap and another one leaning on your shoulder.  It's just a blessing.  To get a hug from the oldest and to know you are looked up to is crazy and awesome.  I'm so blessed that God has brought that family into my life, and allowed me to become part of theirs.

I've been thinking a lot.  I am 24 years old now.  24.  I still see myself as someone others look at as young and unreliable, but I am day by day growing out of that.  I'm not an 18 year old freshman any longer.  I am a 24 year old graduate student.  I am looked at by the world as an adult, even though most days I don't really see myself as such.  I have no family, I'm still in school, and I still visit my parents and have a room at home.  I just don't feel 24. I don't feel like my life is that of a typical 24 year old either.  I don't know that that is really what I want my life to be, but I know that it isn't what would be considered typical.  To some degree I am okay with that.  Then on the other hand, I am not so okay with it.  I just don't know.  My niece is 18 now.  She will be 19 in a few months.  My nephew will graduate college next year.  I will graduate from graduate school.  My other nephew will graduate high school next year.  They were all so little a few years ago.  I remember when Colton was on a tricycle, but now he is going to be a dad and graduate.  Kaitlin was so little and now she is so big.  Dreams have changed and some have been forgotten, but they have all grown so much and continue to.  I feel like I've missed out on some of the most important years.  Sorry, I know I'm rambling, but I go see Britt graduate tomorrow and I just don't know what to think.  I will probably cry.  I am so proud of her.  She is a wonderful girl. Everyone is growing up.  My campers.  My family.  My friends. Me.  It's interesting how life works, isn't it?

Well, I should go to bed ... I need to get up bright and early to head home!


1 comment:

  1. I see you as an adult. You don't act like a teen. You have helped me grow so much in the passed year. I am so blessed that you are in my life. Thing 1, you are the best. Love ya. I have a feeling that this next year... you are going to grow much more than you ever have. ;)
