Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Where is God taking me?

School seems to be my hobby due to the fact that in 25 years, well I have gone to school 20 of them.  The first 5 were without, and the last 20 have been with.  I'm not sure I'd know what to do without school, but I'm sure I could figure it out.  Yet, I am here... getting my 3rd (yes, THIRD) degree and it feels a bit like getting the third degree.  I am trying to remain positive.  Trying to get a feel for where God wants me.  I know that education is it, but why the three degrees?  I know that I do a lot of things and sometimes I stick with them and sometimes I do not.  I like to know at least a little about everything, but when being honest I want to know a lot about everything.  I'm pretty sure that would mean that I would have to live for thousands and thousands of years and I doubt I would ever feel very accomplished.  So, here I am ... working on the third degree.  My family... well, they support me... but each time one of my brothers asks or tells me about being a career student it hurts.  Each time I worry about money and debt I think about the fact that I could be out using that wonderful business degree of mine.  Each time I look at my textbooks I realize I could already be in a high school classroom.  So, if you read this and your willing... this is my plea... Please pray for me, my attitude, and that I will let God guide me to where I should be.  I feel that Elem. Edu. is it, but 5 years ago my answer was HS computers/technology.  So where am I going?  I guess I will find out, but until then focusing on homework needs to happen.  I just hope I made the correct decision when I chose to come back.

(Sorry if this is slightly depressing/downtrodden.... I'm trying to be positive, and this wasn't at all where I expected this post to go.)


  1. Don't you just love it when posts take a different direction than the one you planned? lol. Just stick with it, you'll know soon enough exactly what's going on. Unfortunately God doesn't make a lot of sense a lot of times. I'm sure your where you need to be. Ask yourself this, would you be happy if you were using that business degree right now? Or, would you be happy teaching a HS computer class? Do you think you will be happy teaching elementary ed? I'm sure you've asked these questions a million times, but try again. Just be patient, pray, meditate and just listen. Watch for the signs that are out there somewhere jumping up and down waiting for you to notice them. You'll know what to do. I know the feeling of not knowing where your life is going, it's scary to know that not only your future, but your life is being controlled by someone not you. Even if the one controlling it is God. It's scary to not have that control. But God is perfect, and everything he plans for us is not to harm us, but to give us greater joy from the life we live. And the fact that we are able to give up that control and wait for God's guidance is what makes us who we are. I'll be praying for you, but the best I can say for now, is to be patient and watch for the signs. I love you!

  2. btw, follow my new blog, if you're not already.
